Republic Steel


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New: 26 December 2024

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Formatted: R. Craig
Road No. Model Bldr Date Notes

65-Ton (GE) 2 27863 1/45 --
57-Ton (GE) 12 11732 10/35 Ex-East Erie Commercial 12
50-Ton (GE) 13 30355 11/49 [End Cab, Low Clearance] 36"GA.
14 3266 6/56 [End Cab, Low Clearance] 36"GA.
S1 (Alco) 15 69864 5/43 --
16 (1st) 69865 5/43 --
17 (1st) 69867 6/43 --
50-Ton (GE) 16 (2nd) & 17 (2nd) 30503, 30504 6/50 [End Cab, Low Clearance]
SW1 (EMD) 52 3221 10/45 To LTV 812; ex-RSCX 561 (1st) < RSC 353
SW900 (EMD) 99 21726 11/55 To NREX 99 (?)
SW8 (EMD) 133 15000 6/51 Ex-US Army 2005
NW2 (EMD) 135 & 136 5759 9/48 Ex-DT&I 912 & 911
SW9 (EMD) 137 17360 12/52 To LTV 137; ex-Woodward Iron 53 < nee FEC 222
NW2 (EMD) 138 -- -- --
SW7 (EMD) 139 -- -- --
NW2 (EMD) 140 1836 5/42 To LTV 140; ex-Republic Steel D815 < nee Defense Plant Corp. D815
SW900 (EMD) 141 20960 1/56 To River Terminal 96
NW2 (EMD) 142 3644 9/46 Ex-Sou 1025
SW900m (EMD) 150 24482 3/58 Ex-Lehigh Valley SW8 107 (2nd)
S6 (Alco) 153 82307 10/59 --
S2 (Alco) 154 72854 10/44 Ex-Chicago West Pullman 40
S2 (Alco) 154 72854 10/44 Ex-Chicago West Pullman 40
S2 (Alco) 155 77824 10/49 Ex-Chicago West Pullman 41
NW2 (EMD) 155 (2nd) 5833 9/48 Ex-Sou 1063
80-Ton (GE) 156 2788 2/45 Ex-RSCX 842
S (Alco) 159 -- -- --
NW2 (EMD) 160 & 161 3651, 5839 9/46, 11/48 Ex-Sou 1031 & 1069
163 5836 9/48 Ex-River Terminal 201
50-Ton (GE) D215 34974 6/64 End Cab, Low Clearance]

SW1 (EMD) 300 & 301 3224, 3225 10/45 Re-#d RSX 823 & 824
302 & 303 12734, 13139 10/50 Re-#d RSX 573/820 & 574/821
304 14098 3/51 Re-#d RSX 825
305 14391 3/51 Ex-RSX 813 < RSCX 567 (1st)
306 14559 8/51 Ex-RSX 826
100-Ton (POR) 307 8272 11/50 Re-#d 827
308 8269 9/50 Re-#d 828
309 8228 12/49 Re-#d 829
80-Ton (GE) 310 13115 8/41 To Warren Slag ?
311 18078 1/44 To Warren Slag ?
S1 (Alco) 312 73576 7/45 Ex-RSX 813 < RSCX 567 (2nd)
313 73577 8/45 --
314 73584 8/45 Ex-RSCX 814 < RSCX 565
SW1 (EMD) 316 14391 3/51 Scrapped; ex-NH 909
S6 (Alco) 317 82301 7/57 Ex-RSX 816
318 82302 7/57 Ex-RSX 817
98-Ton (GE) 322 & 323 11772, 11773 10/36 Scrapped; ex-New Haven 0908 & 0907
324 11771 9/36 Scrapped; ex-New Haven 0906
S1 (Alco) 325 73352 4/45 Ex-Port Huron & Detroit 51
S2 (Alco) 335 74497 7/46 Ex-Reading 42
336 74658 7/46 Ex-Reading 43
337 75246 6/47 Ex-Reading 46
338 75358 7/47 Ex-Reading 47
SW900 (EMD) 340 20957 1/56 Ex-River Terminal 93
SW1 (EMD) 341 14561 1/50 To Laurenburg & Southern 341
SW9 (EMD) 344 14556 8/51 --
SW900 (EMD) 345 25461 11/59 To River Terminal 96
347-349 21809-21811 8/56 --
100-Ton (DAV) 350 3334 7/52 Ex-RSCX 830
351 3340 7/52 Ex-RSCX 831; reduced t a flatcar
SW1 (EMD) 352 16116 2/52 Ex-RSCX 832
SW1 (EMD) 353 3221 10/45 To LTV 812; ex-RSCX 561 (1st) < RSC 353 < nee RSCX 52
SW900 (EMD) 354-359 21812-21817 8-9/56 Re-#d RSCX 833-838: to Warren Consolidated 833-838
60-Ton (Alco-GE) 360 67108 4/28 To Donner Steel 21
361-363 67104-67106 12/28-1/29 To Donner Steel 22-24
SW1200 (EMD) 362 (2nd) 25718 12/59 --
SW1 (EMD) 371 -- 4/28 --
372 4804 4/47 --
SW900 (EMD) 373 22548 9/56 --
374 22549 9/56 --
65-Ton (Whit) 380 60470 7/44 To Mohawk & Hudson Chapter NRHS; ex-US Army 8464

SW1 (EMD) 561 (1st) 3221 10/45 To LTV 812; ex-RSCX 561 (1st) < RSC 353 < nee RSCX 52
S1 (Alco) 563 73576 7/45 To LTV 813; ex-RSCX 313
566 ? 73577 7/45 Ex-RSX 813
565 73584 8/45 To RSCX 814; ex-RSCX 565 < nee RSCX 314
98-Ton (GE) 567 (1st) 11774 10/36 Ex-RSX 815 < RSCX 567 (2nd) < ex-RSCX 305
SW1 (EMD) 567 (2nd) 14391 3/51 Scrapped; ex-RSCX 316 < nee NH 909
S6 (Alco) 568 82301 7/57 Ex-RSCX 816 < ex-RSCX 317
569 82302 7/57 Ex-RSX 817 < ex-RSCX 318
S1 (Alco) 570 (1st) 70958 1/44 Ex-Milw 831
NW2 (EMD) 570 (2nd) 5782 9/48 Re-#d 818; nee DT& 915
S2 (Alco) 571 75549 11/49 Ex-Milw 839
S1 (Alco) 572 71271 3/44 Re-#d RSCX 819 < ex-RSCX 841
SW1 (EMD) 573 12734 10/50 To RSCX 821; ex-RSCX 302
574 13139 11/50 To RSCX 820; ex-RSCX 303
SW7 (EMD) 576 (2nd) 10244 -- To RSCX 822; ex-DT&I 922

S1 (Alco) 810 71269 9/44 --
SW1 (EMD) 812 3221 10/45 To LTV 812; ex-RSCX 561 (1st) < RSC 353 < nee RSCX 52
S1 (Alco) 813 73576 7/45 Ex-RSCX 567 (2nd) < nee RSCX 305
814 73584 8/45 Ex-RSCX 565 < nee RSCX 314
NW2 (EMD) D815 1836 5/42 To LTV 140; ex-RSCX 140 < nee Defensed Plant Corp. D-815
S1 (Alco) 816 82301 7/57 Re-#d RSCX 568 < nee RSCX 317
817 82302 7/57 Re-#d RSCX 569 < nee RSCX 318
NW2 (EMD) 818 5782 9/48 Re-#d 570 (2nd); nee DT&I 915
S1 (Alco) 819 71271 3/44 Re-#d RSCX 841 < ex-RSCX 572
SW1 (EMD) 820 & 821 12734, 13139 10-11/50 Ex-RSX 573 & 574 < nee RSCX 302 * 303
SW7 (EMD) 822 10244 10/45 Ex-RSCX 576 (2nd) < nee DT&I 922
50-Ton (Ply) 824 6060 1957 --
SW7 (EMD) 825 14098 3/51 Ex-RSCX 304
826 14559 8/51 Ex-RSX 306
100-Ton (POR) 827 8272 11/50 Converted to flatcar; ex-RSCX 307
828 & 829 8269, 8228 9/50, 12/49 Ex-RSCX 308 & 309
100-Ton (DAV) 830 3334 7/52 Ex-RSCX 350
831 3340 7/52 Ex-RSCX 351; reduced t a flatcar
SW1 (EMD) 832 16116 2/52 Ex-RSCX 352
SW900 (EMD) 833-838 21812-21817 8-9/56 To Warren Consolidated 833-838; ex-RSCX 354-359
SW900 (EMD) 839 20955 1/56 Ex-River Terminal 91
S1 (Alco) 840 71261 10/44 Ex-RSCX D840
841 71271 3/44 Re-#d RSCX 572 < nee-RSCX D841
80-Ton (GE) 842 27788 2/45 Ex-RSCX 156
SW1 (EMD) 890 1936 3/42 --
891 1937 3/42 --
80-Ton (GE) 892 27785 2/45 Scrapped
SW1 (EMD) 893 14742 8/51 --
894 16117 2/52 --
SW1200 (EMD) 895 21818 9/56 --
80-Ton (GE) 896 32371 12/55 --
SW1200 (EMD) 897 32522 4/56 Re-#d RSCX 910
898 32662 8/56 --
S1 (Alco) 901 73352 4/45 Ex-RSCX 325 < nee Port Huron & Detroit 51
SC (EMD) 902 620 1/37 Ex-Canton 20 < nee EMD Demo 620
SW1 (EMD) 903 -- -- --
904 1475 1/42 Ex-Memphis Union Station 10
NW2 (EMD) 905 953 11/39 Ex-Erie Lackawanna < nee Erie 403
906 8159 4/49 Ex-BAR 22 < nee Erie 422
907 8160 5/49 Ex-BAR 23
908 9748 8/49 Ex-River Terminal 60
SW7 (EMD) 909 -- 1950 --
80-Ton (GE) 910 32522 4/56 Ex-RSCX 897
SW7 (EMD) 911 1082 10/50 Ex-DT&I 924
SW9 (EMD) 912 17362 12/52 To LTV 912; ex-Woodward Steel 54
913 17360 12/52 To RSCX 137; ex-Woodward Steel 54
914 17363 12/52 To LTV 914; ex-Woodward Steel 55
SW900 (EMD) 915 20961 1/56 To Gulf States Steel; ex-River Terminal 97
916 20958 1/56 To Gulf States Steel; ex-River Terminal 94
NW2 (EMD) 917 5844 10/48 To Gulf States Steel; ex-Sou 1074

  • Alco - American Locomotive Company
  • Dav - Davenport
  • GE - General Electric
  • EMD - Electro-Motive Division
  • Plym - Plymouth Locomotive
  • Por - Porter
  • Whit - Whitcomb Locomotive
Reference sources:
  • The Short Line Newsletter (various issues)
  • GE Moser List
  • GE Production List-TDS
  • Alco Production List-TDS
  • RR Pictures Archives/com

    Contributors (direct and indirect): Andre Kristopans, P. Allen Copeland, Ken Ardinger, Bob Graham, Randy Keller, Bruce Mercer, Bill McBride, Mark Nilges, Jay Reed and Don Strack

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