EMD Surviving 1st-Gen Geep Locomotives


New: 11 February 2025

SP 5399 @ Lebannon, OR (Marty Bernard photo)
Roster by: John Komanesky and R. Craig
Model Preserved As Built As Owner & Location
BL2 BAR 557 Bangor & Aroostook 557 Cole Transportation Museum (Maine)
Monon 32 Monon 32 Kentucky RR Museum
Stourbridge RR 54 Bangor & Aroostook 554 Wayne County Chamber of Commerce (Honesdale, PA)
Western Maryland 81 WM 81 B&O RR Museum (Baltimore, MD)
Western Maryland 82 WM 82 West Virginia Central
CF7 ATSF 2546 Santa Fe 229L Kentucky RR Museum; only preserved CF7 in ATSF paint; bldr nbr 9581, bldr date 03/1950
GMD1u Norther Alberta Rwy 3-2 (Same) Alberta RR Museum )
GP7 Atlantic Coast Line 100 SCL 785 (nee ACL 100) Moved to Conrad Yelvington Aggreagates; had been owned by North Florida Chapter NRHS
Atlantic Coast Line 1804 US Army 1834 Gold Coast RR Museum
B&O 5605 Baltimore & Ohio 915 B&O RR Museum, Baltimore, MD
Blue Ridge Scenic 2097 Santa Fe 2842 Blue Ridge Scenic RR
CNJ 1521 Central of New Jersey 1521 National Transportation Museum (St. Louis)
CNJ 1523 & 1524 Central of New Jersey 1523 & 1524 United RR Historical Museum
Chesapeake &Ohio 5833 C&O 5833 Hocking Valley Scenic RR
C&NW 1518 Chicago & Northwestern 1518 (First EMD Geep) Illinois Railway Museum
C&NW 4111 Chicago Rock Island & Pacific 1209 Manly (Iowa) Railway Museum
C&NW 4173 & 4188 Rock Island 1264 & 1203 Manly (Iowa) Railway Museum
Chicago Rail Link 613 New York Central 5740 Rochester Historical Society
Colorado & Wyoming 102-104 C&W 102-104 Pueblo Railway Musuem. Fully operational, units built in 1951, with 65/12 gear ratio, rated at 52,400 lbs. tractive effort (continuous)
Conway Scenic Railroad 375 Maine Central 573 Conway Scenic Railroad (North Conway, New Hampshire)
Georgia RR 1026 Georgia RR 1026 Southeastern RR Museum
Guilford 471? Maine Central 571 Orrville RR Heritage Society
Illinois Central 8950 IC8950 Privately Owned; first IC diesel road switcher; try this link
Illinois Terminal 1605 IT 1605 Illinois Railway Museum
Kiski Junction Railroad 752 Wisconsin Southern 752 Kiski Junction Railorad
Lebanon Mason & Monroe 55 Chesapeake & Ohio 5704 In service on LM & M (Tourist Operation)
Louisville & Nashville 405 L&N 405 Tennessee Central Railway Museum
Missouri Pacific 4126 New York Central 5712 Downs Historical Society (Downs, KS)
Nickel Plate 426 NKP 426 Indiana Transportation Museum .... (Noblesville)
Nashville Chattanooga & St Louis 710 (?) (same) Tennessee Valley RR Museum
Reading 621 Reading 621 Reading Co. Technical & Historical Society
RF&P 104 Richmond Fredricksburg & Potomac Old Dominion Chapter, NRHS
Rock Island 4506 (same) Displayed; Illinois Railway Museum (Union)
Sacramento Northern 712 Western pacific 712 Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola
SOO Line 559 RI 1223 Minnesota Transportation Museum
USA 1822 & 1835 US Army 1822 & 1835 Florida Gulf Coast RR Museum
US Army 1824, 1829, & 1832 USA 1824, 1829, & 1832 Tennessee Valley RR Museum
Washington State Railroads Historical Society 5933 US Army ?? Washington State Railroads Historical Society
Western Pacific 705, 707 & 708 (Same) Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola
GP9 Boston & Maine 1741 Boston & Maine 1741 470 Railroad Club (Maine)
Carrizo Gorge Rwy 3878 Southern Pacific 5890 Carrizo Gorge Rwy (Campo, CA)
Carrizo Gorge Rwy 4324 Chicago & Northwestern 1716 Carrizo Gorge Rwy (Campo, CA)
B&O 6607 Baltimore & Ohio 3414 B&O RR Museum, Baltimore, MD
Conrail 7332 New York Central 7332 Gopher State RR Museum
Consolidated Grain & Barge 6140 Chesapeake & Ohio 6140 Olney, IL
Great Northern 657 NKP 514 Kalispel, Montana
GT 4428 and 4433 Grand Trunk 4428 and 4433 Saginaw Rwy Museum
Illinois Central 8701 (same) Display; Carbondale, Ill.
Indiana Transportation Museum 200 Union Pacific 200 Ilinois Transportation Museum .... (Noblesville)
Naugatuck RR 1732 Boston & Maine 1732 Railroad Museum of New England
Nickel Plate 514 NKP 514 Steamtown Museum
NKP 532 Nickel Plate 532 Viginia Museum of Transportation (Roanoke)
N&W 620 Norfolk & Western 620 North Carolina Transportation Museum
PRR 7000 Pennsylvania 7000 United RR Historical Museum
PRR 7006 Pennsylvania 7006 Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
PRR 7048 Pennsylvania 7048 Railroaders' Memorial Museum (On display - Horseshoe Curve -Altoona, PA)
Southern Pacific 2873 Texas & New Orleans 443 Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola
Southern Pacific 3194 SP 5600 Golden Gate RR Museum, California
Southern Pacific 5623 SP 5623 Howard Wise and Errol Ohman
SP 3873 St. Louis Southwestern 827 San Diego Rwy Museum, California
Union Pacific 296 UP 296 Boulder County Rwy Historical Society
Western Pacific 725 and 731 (Same) Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola
Western Pacific 727 WP 727 On display - City of Elko, NV
GP11 Illinois Central 8733 IC 9386 Monticello Railway Museum
GP18 Central California Traction 1795 Rock Island 1349 Privately owned (stored Sierra Rwy)
GP20 Blacklands RR 2036 ATSF 1152 Blacklands RR
Blue Ridge Scenic 4125 Southern Pacific 7207 Blue Ridge Scenic RR
Iowa Northern 2000 Southern Pacific 7233 Manly, Iowa (static exhibit in park)
WP 2001 Western Pacific 2001 Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola
GP30 B&O 6944 Baltimore & Ohio 6944 B&O RR Museum, Baltimore, MD
Canadian Pacific 5000 CPR 5000 Canadian Rockies Museum Foundation
Conrail 2233 Pennsylvania RR 2233 RR Museum of Pennsylvania
Denver & Rio Grande Western 3011 D& RGW 3011 Colorado RR Museum
Great Miami Rwy 902 Nickel Plate 902 Cincinnati Railway
NKP 900 Nickel Plate 900 Mad River & NKP RR Museum (Bellevue, OH)
NKP 901 Nickel Plate 901 Cincinnati Railway
Great Miami Rwy 902 Nickel Plate 902 Cincinnati Railway
Norfolk & Western 522 N&W 522 In operating condition, Roanoke Chapter of the NRHS
Rdg 5513 Reading 5513 Reading Co. Technical & Historical Society
Sequatchie Valley 3059 Louisville & Nashville Southwestern Applachia Railway Museum (Oakridge, TN)
SOO 700 SOO Line 700 Lake Superior RR Museum
Sou 2594 Southern Rwy 2594 Southeastern Railway Museum
Sou 2601 Southern Rwy 2601 North Carolina Transportation Museum
St Louis Southwestern 5006 SSW 756 Arkansas Railway Museum
Union Pacific 844 UP 844 Nevada State RR Museum
Union Pacific 849 UP 849 Feather River Rail Society
Western Maryland Scenic 2175 Reading 5507 Western Maryland Scenic RR
Wisconsin Central 715 SOO Line 715 National RR Museum (Green Bay, WI)
GP35 Gulf Mobile & Ohio 631 GM&O 631 On display - Mobile, AL
Reading 3640 Rdg 3640 Reading Co. Technical & Historical Society
Savannah & Atlanta 2715 Savannah & Atlanta 2715 Roundhouse RR Museum - Coast Heritage Society (Savannah, GA)
Wabash 547 (Same) Museum of Transportation (in St. Louis)

Concept idea and much of the data for "Preserved Diesels" roster provided by John Komanesky. Additional information from Kevin Baker, Stephen Coon, Brian Crosier, Tim Darnell, Daylen Hoesing, Dennis DeBruler, Thomas Gaulke, Ron Goldfeder, David Farlow, David Fuller, Tristan Garrett, Eric D. Hopp, David Hogan, Tom Klein, Tom Mack, Joe Mann, , Matt Maloy, Jim J. Matta,Thomas McCann, Drew McCulloch, Chris Morton, Peter Nicholson, Tristan Garrett, John Stanly Smith, George Widener, and Howard Wise.

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